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The AMETVS : Celebrating its first decade this year

It all started in 2000 while Québec created an association to represent the industry of the ground transportation equipment. Ten years later, the AMETVS is more than ever involved in the growth of the industry. 2010 is the year to celebrate not only a decade of growth, but also a decade of involvement and loyalty of its members.

“We enter in our 10th year of operations with pride, said Chairman of the Board, Mr. Robert Desrosiers. A decade, in which the Association has supported the economic growth of its members, has expanded the outreach of Québec’s ground transportation equipment industry and has increased the development of a strong and representative industrial cluster.”

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the AMETVS is planning a year of celebrations and tributes to thank and acknowledge the loyalty of its members and employees, and collaborators.

A logo for its 10th anniversary

The AMETVS started by having this logo created by Absolu communication marketing.

Activities and celebrations

An array of activities will be taking place as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations.

  • For starters, the regular activities such as the SIVIC (September 14 & 15) and the Annual Conference (date to be confirmed) will be spiced up for the occasion.

  • Then, a brand new activity will kick off the celebrations of the 10th anniversary: the very first Golf Tournament in the history of the AMETVS (May 26, La Prairie Golf Club)

  • Finally, the celebrations of the 10th anniversary will reach a climax at the Gala Amethyst (date to be confirmed), along with many surprises for all participants.

A special thank you to Builders of the AMETVS

The AMETVS has become an influential player in the industry, thanks in part to its members who get involved and give their support to their sector Association year after year.

“That’s why, said the Chairman of the AMETVS, we have decided to pay tribute all year long to our 22 founding members who have joined the AMETVS at the very beginning in 2000.”

Watch for the e-bulletin of the AMETVS to learn more about The Builders.

Thank you to all The Builders of the AMETVS


Composites BHS inc.

Elasto Proxy inc.

Métal Grenier ltée

CSTM inc.

Fourgons Élite


Faucher Industries inc.

Cintube ltée

Tuba inc.

Graphie 222 inc.


Plastique ART ltée

Mil-Quip inc.

Soudure JM Chantal inc.

Usines Métallurgiques inc.

EPP Métal inc.

Tube Caron inc.

Métal Bernard inc.

Sixpro inc.

Groupe J.L. Leclerc inc.

Systèmes Pran inc.

Industries Pro-Tac inc.

 A partner at all times

The AMETVS also wishes to especially thank the entire team of the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade who worked closely with the Association since the beginning and contributed to its success.


January 7, 2010 / Anne Turcotte

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