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MEMBERS - Testimonials

Proud members of the AMETVS talk about the advantages of membership

Guy Côté, President and CEO of Tuba

 “Thanks to the AMETVS, I discovered the thriving industry of ground transportation equipment in a period where my line of business – furniture -- was quite slow. That’s when I decided it was time to adjust my production and hire necessary resources to diversify my activities.

Today, my involvement with the AMETVS gives me access to a vast network of contacts constantly expanding through networking activities. Participating in these activities also gives me the chance to market my business and expertise, and facilitate business undertakings in the transport industry.

Through the portal of the transport equipment industry, I am always at the leading edge of trends in the ground transportation sector. Accordingly, I can take better strategic and operational decisions.

As a member of a group that watches out for the interest s of Québec companies of the transportation equipment, I can express my concerns and rely on a strong representation to policy makers.”



Gilles Charron, General Manager of the Centre de productique intégrée du Québec (CPIQ)

 “The AMETVS is a group that helps the CPIQ to carry out its mission of development and growth of the ground transportation industry. Thanks to our involvement in the AMETVS, we are able to transmit the results of our research and development findings to the entire network.

Membership in the AMETVS for me and my college centre for the transfer of technology offers a unique opportunity for significant contribution to applied research conducted by members of the association.

News, grant programs and consultations offered by CPIQ are published in the e-bulletin and Transportail -- Website of the AMETVS. It is a fantastic tool to show members the variety of our services and expertise.

Every AMETVS event I attend is a chance for me to meet members and provide personalized interventions to help them improve their productivity.”



André St-Pierre, Head of Business Development and Laboratory Operations at the Institut du transport avancé du Québec (ITAQ)

"The AMETVS is the perfect association for us as we both work for the growth and development of the ground transportation industry. Thanks to the ITAQ’s involvement in the AMETVS, we are able to share our research and development findings with the entire network.

Membership in the AMETVS is for me and my college centre for the transfer of technology a unique opportunity to offer tutoring services and grant programs designed to meet members’ needs.

By attending the networking activities and specific events organized by the AMETVS, I can meet entrepreneurs, OEMs, representatives of ministries and different levels of governments, and influential personalities of the transportation industry.

I have access to a great deal of relevant information on the transportation industry trough the Transportail Website such as the directory of companies, the e-bulletin of the AMETVS and the calendar of industry events: I am well informed on major trends in my sector of activities.”


Jérôme Leclerc, Sales Director, Groupe J.L. Leclerc

 “From the creation of the AMETVS in 2000, we knew it was in our best interest to join this business network focussing on one of our sectors, transport equipment.

Since then, Groupe J.L. Leclerc’s involvement in the AMETVS has given me access to a vast network of contacts and continues to expand each time that I attend an event. Participating in these activities gives me the opportunity to meet privately with OEMs of the industry, and to have the chance to introduce my company to other participants and do business with them.

Thanks to the portal of the transportation equipment industry and the e-bulletin, I can access transport industry related business opportunities in Québec and abroad, and make prospecting easier.

The AMETVS also gives me the industry’s directory of businesses. It is a tool that I use regularly to find potential suppliers and qualified resources in my field of expertise.

Being a member of the AMETVS gives me the competitive edge over my competitors!” What about you? Have you got that edge?